CITRENZ Speakers » Tane Kaka

Significant factors influencing the adoption of Moodle at Te Wananga O Aotearoa
Fri 10th October, 11:20am
This study addresses the question, “what are the significant factors that have influenced the adoption of Moodle by staff in a Māori tertiary institution?” To help answer this principal question an additional six sub-questions were used to provide a deeper understanding and clarity for the adoption. A mixed research methodology was used comprising of an online survey and a series of interviews. Factors were identified that were influencing the adoption of Moodle. This study concludes that even though Moodle has been used by the organization since 2005 there is still some way to go in providing solutions to the following issues such as training, encouragement and support from management, traditional verses non-traditional and maintenance of online resources.
About Tane Kaka
Tane is currently working for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa as the National Programme Manager for Computing. He has been with the organisation for the past 6 years. Tane is formely from a Travel and Tourism background but made a significant career change in 1999 where he attended the Waikato Institute of Technology to study computing. Though his intention was only to achieve a level 3 certificate in computing he then went on to complete a Certificate in Business Computing, Diploma in Business Computing and then earned his Bachelor in Information Technology degree in 2002. In 2008 he completed his Postgraduate Dimploma in Computing at Mt Albert Unitec and as of last month has graduated with his Masters in Computing also at Mt Albert Unitec. He currently resides in Hamilton and is the father of 5 daughters and grand father of 11 mokopuna