Speakers » Adrian Hendry


The State of the State’s ICT Programme Management

Weds 8th October, 3:30pm

Information technology is the lynchpin of Government’s drive to make public services ever-more efficient. “Doing more with less” is not simply a mantra. It is the demand for systems capable of delivering up-to-date information, on demand.

A number of high-profile ICT programme failures and delays, however, have raised the question of how well public service agencies manage their ICT programmes to meet Government expectations.  Public Sector ICT consultant Adrian Hendry looks at how mature New Zealand Public Services agencies are in managing ICT programmes, where they get it right, and what can be improved.


About Adrian Hendry

Adrian has an extensive ICT management and project management background and experience. CurrentlyPrincipal Consultant, Empirica Consulting, Adrian has recently worked with the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, and Parliamentary Services.

He formerly held management positions at the Ministry of Health, the New Zealand Health Information Service, and the West Coast District Health Board.

Adrian completed his MBA (with Merit) through Victoria University, Wellington, and holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management, alongside a B.Sc. in Computer Science.  He also holds Managing Successful Programs (MSP) and PRINCE2 credentials, and is currently a member of the Institute of IT Professionals.