Speakers » Dave Lane


Plugging IT into Life

Thurs 9th October, 11:20am

Information Technology does not have to be a mystifying adjunct to everyday life, something that is consumed rather than utilised. But the fact is, people outside the world of IT rarely dive beneath the surface to explore how technology can improve their lives.

David Lane discusses his vision to foster a New Zealand where experts with the time, aptitude, and passion for IT are encouraged to share their knowledge with the community at large, from the school room, to the marae, to libraries, and retirement facilities.

Lane talks about how institutions can be built up, with professionals and students leading the way, to demonstrate how technology complements and improves learning, creativity, and critical thinking skills.


About Dave Lane

Dave Lane is President of the NZ Open Source Society, and an advocate of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) adoption in business, education and government. Lane works for Catalyst IT, which in 2012 acquired Egressive, the FOSS company he founded in 1998.